
Showing posts from April, 2010

Changes in my World!

Our inquiry this term is about Changes in my World. We have been learning about how we have changed since we were babies. We have been talking about our baby photos and what we did before we turned five and started school. On Friday we were very lucky to have Joshua's mum and his two little brothers come to visit our classroom. Joshua's mum then bathed her four month old baby and talked about how much he has already changed.

Mathematics, Art and Inquiry!

This week we did some painting to show how trees look in Spring. Look at the different shades we have created on our trees. In mathematics we have been learning about the seasons and in Inquiry we have been learning about the changes that occur to deciduous trees throughout the year.


On Friday we bought poppies and had a special assembly about ANZAC Day. On Monday we went to the Centennial Gates beside our playground and talked about the memorials and wreaths that had been laid there.

We love painting!

Throughout this term we are going to do lots of painting. We have begun by mixing primary and secondary colours and experimenting to see what we colours result. We listened to a story called ' Biscuit Bear' and added black and white to create new shades and tints.

Welcome to Term 2!

This term we are doing P.M.P. We have been learning how to use the 'Happy Sticks'. We are concentrating very hard to listen to the CD and follow the instructions that we hear. We are clapping the Happy Sticks up and down, left and right, in front and behind our bodies and trying to repeat the beat that we hear. We also began doing floor exercises using the beam and ladder. Flynn has started to learn the violin at school this week and he showed us what he has to do.

A very special visitor!

At the end of term Easter Bunny hopped into room 3 and collected special cardboard eggs which were then hidden around our playground. Later on we went on a treasure hunt to look for our special cardboard eggs. When we found ours we swapped it for a real Easter Egg. Yum!

Fabulous Spelling!

One lovely sunny day we went outside to practice our spelling using chalk on the concrete. We wrote our names first and then all the words that we know how to write. We are very clever!

Keeping Safe around Fire!

On Friday we went for a visit to our local fire station. Magnus was so proud as his mum was one of the firefighters who talked to us about Fire Safety while we were there. She reminded us to 'get down, get low and get out which we practiced around the room. We looked at the clothing that firefighters have to wear and some of the equipment they use in fires. We asked lots of questions and then we were very lucky. They let us climb into the fire engine and then have lots of fun using one of the hoses. The firefighters gave us a special pack to take home. We have to make sure our family has an escape plan and a meeting place in the unlikely event of a fire occurring at our house and also to change the batteries on our smoke alarms. Here are some photos of what we did.