
Showing posts from March, 2012

Andy Jones - the Electric Man!

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to go to the hall with the rest of the school to see Andy Jones performance. He was amazing! He had us singing and dancing and we loved seeing all his cool electric instruments. Look at the photos

Fun with music!

On Friday last week Clara's mum, Talita came and did some wonderful music with us. We loved it! We sang, we danced, we held up signs and made wonderful music together. Take a look at the photos!

Fantastic Reading in Room 3!

Room 3 does lots of reading every day. This involves independently reading library books in the library corner or rereading books that they have already enjoyed, or reading with a friend or taking part in a whole lot of different literacy activities while each group works with the teacher individually. At the moment they are also learning alphabet and blend games, writing on the whiteboards and at the writing table, listening to Letterland on the listening post and using the dough to make words. They also enjoy reading poems and enlarged texts together. Well done Room 3! Keep up the great effort so that you can be the best that you can be :)

Fabulous Gardeners!

Room 3 observed the flower head of a sunflower. First they added soil to a pot and then hey took a seed from the seed head and planted it into a pot. Next they put a stick with their name on it in the pot and placed it on the tray. They gave it some water and have been looking after their pot very carefully each day. They are delighted that already some of the plants have started to grow.

Our Butterfly Garden!

Ruby and Lachlan went to the garden shop with Mrs Heath and Mrs Ryan. They chose some plants for our class garden. Room 3 then planted each of them - doesn't it look gorgeous! We are so excited that this week the butterflies have started to land on our flowers!

We love laptops!

Room 3 have been having fun using the laptops. They have been working with the Kidpix programme and learning how to use a variety of tools independently. On Monday they had to create symmetry on a butterfly using the pencil or paint tool and then add a background and their name. Come into room 3 and have a look at what they did.