
Showing posts from May, 2012

Kapahaka with Mr Chadwick

Every Tuesday we do Kapahaka in the hall. We are enjoying learning new waiata and can do our school song beautifully accompanied by the correct actions. We have been learning how to use the poi in different positions. It is so much fun.

We love science!

Room 3 have been having a lot of fun doing many fun science experiments. One day we made lava lamps and on another day we experimented with magnetic sand. We also did magic writing with lemon juice and then saw our secret messages when we held them over the light. The whole school joined together and watched the rocket take off on our field and our friends in room 2 joined us to see the alkaseltzer explosions. We were absolutely amazed at how high the containers went.

Fantastic efforts in the Cross Country!

Well done everyone who did their best in our Cross Country run at Bishop Park on Tuesday. It was a lovely day. We walked to the park and then the Year 1 boys warmed up and ran their race. They were so quick! The Year 1 girls then had their warm up and race and they too were very fast. It was great to see so many of our families and children from years 3 to 8 join us and support our fabulous efforts! After morning tea at the park we returned to school happy that we had tried to do our best and proud we had earned House points.

Another week of fabulous learning by Room 3!

Well done Room 3! You were all amazing on stage at whole school assembly. Everyone enjoyed watching you all do your best to perform the special dance. Each week you have worked hard in Performing Arts lessons with Mrs Hooke and learnt lots of dance steps and movements. We were very proud of how confident you all were up on the stage showing us what you have been learning. Congratulations! We have also been impressed with the way you were a superb audience when we had a visiting African Storyteller come to school this week. We loved the way you listened carefully to the story and enjoyed watching the different instruments being played. On Friday Room 3 started their football skills lessons. The coaches who were teaching you the different skills said that you were very good at trying each of the new activities and were working well together as a team. Keep up this fabulous work everyone! We also enjoyed watching a wonderful performance by the New Zealand Ballet.

Our Monarch Butterfly!

Yesterday our last Monarch butterfly came out of the chrysalis. We were so delighted as it came out when we were in our classroom at reading time and we could see it all happening. Overnight it was drying out its wings and developing its proboscis and today it began to fly a little bit around our classroom. We gave it flowers and some water. This afternoon we were lucky to then have it tagged with number 500 by local scientist Stan who showed us what to do. He carefully held the butterfly wings together and asked Mrs Ryan to use a toothpick to pick the special sticker up and place it gently on the butterfly's lower wing. The details of our special tagged male butterfly will now go to the Butterfly Trust who will then track its migration. We wonder how far he will fly - Lower Hutt, perhaps Auckland or maybe even South America. We are going to have a practice at tagging our own pretend butterfly with a special number.