
Showing posts from April, 2012

Welcome to Term 2!

Welcome back everybody! It looks like you have all had a lovely holiday break. We have been very busy this week and have done some fantastic reading, written some excellent stories and begun learning about time in mathematics. We have had Kapahaka and Performing Arts. Today we started our running practice in preparation for our Cross Country run and tomorrow we are looking forward to doing some football skills. On Tuesday we met our lovely new buddies from Room 14 and together we read books and discussed ANZAC Day. Claire popped in to show us her tadpoles and frogs as she heard we were learning about life cycles in our Inquiry. Well done to those of you who have been doing your Mathletics every day. I wonder who will get certificates this week?

Easter Bunny comes to school!

On the last day of the term we had a visit from Easter Bunny. He hopped into our classroom and collected the eggs containing our names and popped them into his basket. Our Year 7 monitors then hid them around the playground. We then had a treasure hunt around our school to find them and get an Easter Egg in return. It was a lot of fun!

Harry Hatman

One of our favourite Letterland characters is Harry Hatman. He starts his name with the 'h' sound and does not like any noise. Have a look at some of the fantastic hats that we created one afternoon.

A librarian visits our class

One Thursday Hollie visited us and she brought a large suitcase with her. Inside the suitcase we discovered lots of wonderful books. Hollie read us some which we all enjoyed and then she let us pat her special bunny. We hope she can come and read to us again soon.

Junior Assembly

Room 3 have been fantastic hosts to the first year 1 to 4 assembly. They introduced each item and shared their quality work. They enjoyed seeing all the lovely work that their friends from rooms 1 to 15 have been doing.

Performing Arts

Each Thursday we are having Performing Arts. We are learning a lot of different dances and movements to music.