
Showing posts from February, 2010

Our Self Portraits!

Every week we have visual art lessons and this term we are focussing on drawing and using a range of tools and media. Enjoy our wonderful self portraits that we have created.

Fantastic Artists!

Jane Lloyd, an artist, visited us and taught us how to draw a picture of a bucket, pumpkin and a book using pencil and also how to do shading. This is what we did.

Statistical Investigations!

In Mathematics, Room 3 have been carrying out a range of investigations. They have been collecting data and learning how to put the data onto bar graphs. Last week they investigated what colour is the most popular in a box of Smarties. This is what they discovered.

Keeping Fit!

Every day we do fitness. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays we have Jumpjam in the hall with all our friends from around the Junior School. On Wednesdays we use balls outside on the court and on Thursdays we do Pukeko Stomp in our classroom. One day we watched the Jumpjam DVD and tried out some of the moves.

Inquiry Learning!

We are currently learning about how to be safe in different environments. We have been practicing how to be safe in our classroom and playground and on Friday Senior Constables Julie, Ants and Sherie from the police came to talk to us about being safe around roads and in vehicles. Our friends from room 4 joined us. The children have been using white hat thinking so please feel free to ask them about a fact that they have learnt.

Our big buddies!

We met our big buddies from Room 15 on Tuesday. We introduced ourselves and then they read fantastic stories to us. We loved meeting our buddies and we enjoyed playing with them outside in the playground too. We are looking forward to their visit again next week when we will read to them.

Our first day in Room 3!

Wednesday was our first day at school and what a fantastic day it was! We began by welcoming nine new children and their families to school. We then did some fitness, singing and mathematics. After morning tea we watched the powhiri and then we went on a tour around the school. This included visiting the school office, Mr Bird and Mr Skilton in their offices, the medical room, the staffroom, our friends in room 4 and our library. We then played outside in the different areas around our playground. After lunch we did lots of reading and writing in our classroom. Mr Bird then let us each choose a special book to keep to commemorate our first day at school. We ended the day with warm fuzzies about Superstar Sophie.

Come and meet the wonderful students in Room 3!
