
Showing posts from May, 2011

Junior Assembly

On Friday Room 3 were the hosts of our Junior School Assembly. Merlinde and Jacob were fantastic presenters. Marcus, Amber and Alexa shared what they knew about magnets with everyone. All of room 3 then sang the 'days of the week' song that they have been learning about during mathematics.

Magnetism Fun!

This week we have continued with our science inquiry about magnetism. We discussed what we knew about magnets and then we made a list of objects from around our classroom that we thought the magnet would or would not stick to. We then each explored our classroom with magnets to see if our predictions were correct or not. On Tuesday we had fun in the magic sand with the wands. Many fun patterns were created. After that we played the magnetic fishing game and are now creating our own magnetic game to play in mathematics and at home.

Welcome to Term 2!

Wow! What a great first week back we have had. We welcomed eight new children to our class on Monday and they have all settled in very well. It was Science Week and on Tuesday we joined the rest of the school for the launching of a rocket. We have also begun our inquiry about magnetism. All of the children were very excited on Friday as they finally got introduced to their big buddies from room 7. Room 3 also worked together well and earned the Assembly Bear for the first time. The week finished with them dancing and having fun at the disco.