
Showing posts from May, 2013

Big Bang

  Muritai School has enjoyed a super Science Week with teachers and students involved in science experiments and investigations every day. To celebrate the final day Mrs Ryan and Mr Macmillan organised a Geyser Tube Challenge  for the whole school.  Every class chose a student (we chose Ori) to pull the pin on a tube of Mentos which then dropped into a bottle of Coke. The resulting acid - base reaction shot a geyser of bubbles 15 m into the air.   .   Congratulations to the winners - Year 5 and 6. We have been talking about how the Earth moves round the Sun. When the sun is shining on our part of the Earth it is Day.  It is Night when the sun is not shining on our part of the Earth.One spin of the Earth makes one complete circle of Day and Night. It is the Earth that moves - not the Sun.     Developmental time on Fridays continues. Here are a few snapshots of the various activities on offer. Making Ollie Octopus to tie

Award Winners

Congratulations to our award winners this week. Will is showing great organizational skills during developmental time. Thanks Bruno for being such a good friend to all the students in Room 3. Lauren did a fabulous job of helping a student in Room 1.Thank-you Lauren. Sarah is making excellent progress in Reading.

Our Celebration of Learning afternoon

Another busy week of learning has occurred in Room 3 this week.  We welcomed a new girl to our class named Hannah. She has had a great first week. A special highlight was on Wednesday afternoon when our parents and caregivers came to our classroom.  Room 3 were wonderful hosts. They were delighted to show their visitors around our classroom and really enjoyed sharing their quality work. They loved talking about what they have already achieved this year and what they are currently learning about.  India shared her fantastic writing with her mum. Monty shared his fabulous mathematics with his mum. Max showed his Mum and Dad his wonderful Letterland work. Ella showed her dad her amazing writing. Max is very clever at his alphabet work. Macy is reading one of her fabulous stories to her mum. Lauren's mum is pleased to see her great mathematics work. Bruno is sharing his awesome writing with his mum. Welcome Hannah and your parents t

Pou Ceremony

Pou Ceremony .   On Thursday the whole school met together with the Muritai whanau group,  Kaumatua and Kokiri  to celebrate and welcome back two pou   into the playground. They have been mended and shifted from the sandpit area to the playground outside the main school.  The pou represent links to the earth, the sky, Tane Mahuta and give strength to the school.  We are very happy to have their comforting presence at Muritai School.  Mr Bird gave a speech in Maori and we sang the school song. The kaumatua told us we can go and touch the pou and that will give us strength.